
Showing posts from September 15, 2016


Child poverty  “Integrated child poverty profiling and analysis Child poverty is indisputably multi-dimensional but capturing characteristics of child lack cumulative and clearly determining what features of monetary poverty and non-monetary deficiencies have the most effect on well-being is not easy.  UNICEF has directed current innovations in calculating multi-dimensional deprivation using Bristol University’s method in the Global Study on Child Poverty and Disparities and Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Examination (MODA”). Child Poverty Insights Child Poverty Insights (CPI) is a UNICEF online publication for sharing insights, experience and innovative developments on issues of child poverty, deprivation and inequity. The series was launched in August 2009, and a variety of topics have been published which have been well-received by thousands of people in over 150 countries.  Each CPI responds to one of three important areas of child poverty and inequity, namely:
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