
Showing posts from July, 2016

My Connection to Play

Play today is nothing like it used to be I played a lot at the beach as a young five year old we always brought shovels, buckets, cups, bowls and cookies cutter shapes. I was never a water person but loved to listen to sea shells and collect them and put them in plastic bags to take home.  At this time, it was my four year old brother and my three year old brother. We would walk, what seemed like the entire beach we loved playing in the sand, but most of all we built what we thought were cities streets and even made sand cookies with the cookie cutters we brought along. The see shells were used to make all kinds of make believe food. Our dad used to help us build large long castles because he knew how to make everything stand up. All of us took turns going to fill buckets of water, but my three year old brother did not. My Mom and I went to get water first, and then my father and brother took a turn until we had enough water. For many hours we just set on the beach building san

Relationship Reflections

Relationship Reflections First, I would like to say I am a late bloomer had many mentors, but was never sure what I wanted to do in life. My mother and father have always been my mentors and have always given me phenomenal guidance. Finally, after high school still not knowing what I wanted to do in life. I attended Fordham University in New York City and received a Bachelors in Business Administration. Still, at this time, I was not sure what I wanted to do. One of my professors from college told me about a job at The Head Start Program located in the Bronx. Before I tell you what happen I have to tell you other things that took place.  While  In college I always participated when early learners came to visit the University during field trips or whenever the university had children’s’ day for students that had children. Professor Barbara Lindsey would ask me if would I help with the children, I always said yes. Nevertheless, I became a regular when these events took place.