At least three international organizations or communities of practice that appealed to me, and why I chose them

Blog Assignment

At least three international organizations or communities of practice that appealed to me, and why I chose them
a.)   United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) – This international organization is well known for protecting and children rights across 190 countries and regions in the world. Through this organization, I will contribute to the early childhood development programs that offer interventions such as nutrition, protection and stimulation and support to parents, caregivers, and communities. Consequently, I will help vulnerable children get a fair start in life.
b.)   Academy for Educational Development– This is a nonprofit organization that is focused on education, health and economic development for the "least advantaged in the United States and developing countries throughout the world. Through this organization, I will be able to promote the education advancement of the less privileged in the society.
c.)   Save the Children – This is an international organization that promotes children's rights, provides relief and helps support children in developing countries. I will be able to improve the lives of individual children through better education and healthcare. Also through the organization, I will be able to facilitate the provision of emergency aid to children in times of conflicts or disasters.
d.)   United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) – This is an agency of the United Nations that promotes peace and security across the globe through educational, scientific, and cultural reforms. This organization will provide me with an opportunity to conduct researches that will better the field of early childhood education.
Job opportunities (currently available or not) that interest you
a.)   Child Protection Officer
b.)   Education Officer
c.)   Conference Program coordinator
d.)   Early Childhood Development officer
Skills and experience that you would need to competently fulfill each of these roles
a.)   Child Protection Officer – Some of the skills required are organizational skills, supervisory experience, customer service experience, and ability to work with a diverse group of constituents. The applicant will be responsible for technical and administrative program tasks. A working experience of at least three years will be needed.
b.)   Education Officer – The applicant should be hardworking, a team leader and well-versed in management. The officer will provide professional technical, operational and administrative assistance throughout the programming process for education projects. A working experience of at least two years is needed.
c.)   Early Childhood Development officer – He/she should possess the following skills: collaboration, communication skills, creativity, patience, and self-awareness. They will be responsible for enacting regulations and procedures to support the development and formulation of the ECD Program within the Country Program.
d.)   Conference program coordinator – Skills needed are organizational skills, supervisory experience, customer service experience, and ability to work with a diverse group of constituents. The applicant should also have working knowledge of Microsoft Word and similar applications.

Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies

Criteria for Blog Assignments

Quality of Work Submitted


4/4 points

3/4 points




2/4 points




1/4 points




0/4 points

Adherence to Assignment Expectations

The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria.

Assignment meets expectations and reflects graduate-level critical, analytical thinking.

All key components are included:
Initial post submitted with 2 comments to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post submitted with 1 comment to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post not submitted with 2 comments to other students’ blogs. 


Initial post submitted with no comments to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post not submitted with 1 comment to other students’ blogs.  

Does not fulfill the expectations of the assignment.

Key components are not included:
 Initial post not submitted with no comments to other students’ blogs.  

It is expected that all blog assignments will be submitted according to the assignment due dates indicated. As with discussions, it is important blog posts are completed within the week assigned so that others have a chance to both read and respond to your posts.  For that reason, late assignments may receive a maximum score of 2/4. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the faculty member and in accordance with the Late Policy.



  1. Hello

    I think that the positions you chose are exciting. The Early Childhood Development job would be a nice position to work in. There are so many opportunities around the globe including the U.S. to Choose from. I am excited about the available jobs in the field of the Early Childhood Education and also jobs that relates to children and families. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sheila,
    I enjoyed reading about the international organizations you researched. You chose some really great ones, including UNICEF, UNESCO, and Save the Children; all of which I am familiar with. The Academy for Educational Development, on the other hand, is new to me. I am looking forward to doing my research about the Academy for Educational Development, as it sounds like a group that aligns with my own professional passion. I look forward to learning more about this organization! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Sheila,
    I really liked the three-international organization you chose. I too choose UNICEF and Save the Children. I must say, I have never heard of the “Academy for Educational Development”. However, after reading the information you provided, I can’t wait to learn more about what this organization do, and how I can get involved.
    Thanks for sharing,


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