Dr. Lilian Katz Quotes

"In both cooperative learning and project work. The teacher  encourages children to talk to one another. This helps them pay attention to each others efforts and ideas. Children take to these kinds  of exchanges very readily, but the teacher really needs to encourage this interaction"
 Dr. Lilian Katz

"Experts generally agree that taking all opportunities to read books and other material aloud to children is the best preparation for their learning to read. The pleasures of being read to are far more likely to strengthen a child's desire to learn to read than are repetitions of sounds, alphabet drills, and deciphering uninteresting words."
Dr. Lilian Katz


  1. I agree with all of the Lilian Katz quotes, but your first one about praise is the one I like the most. That one was something that was actually a more recent discovery to me (a few years ago). Something that I had never really thought about or every been trained to think about and it makes so much sense! I am very conscious of how I use praise with my students and my own child, just wish I knew more about it when my older child was little...

  2. Encouraging children to use their words is very powerful, this is a life skill. I used to be a Head Start teacher and this approach was used to build the children's skills and and develop confidence by speaking and expressing one's thoughts and feelings. This will help the children resolve future conflicts when they are older. I truly believe thatteachers need to encourage this kind of interaction.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Dulce, reading constantly to our children, encouraging them in whatever their doing, praising them all the time, and showing lots of love and support is what builds children's confidence to feel good about themselves after they have be successful at a task.

    3. Hi Dulce, reading constantly to our children, encouraging them in whatever their doing, praising them all the time, and showing lots of love and support is what builds children's confidence to feel good about themselves after they have be successful at a task.

  3. I defintiely agree with this quote and my colleagues statements. These points, will be used, when I begin teaching with my students and use these utensils with my own children.

  4. I never thought of the importance of reading out loud to a child. Thanks for bringing that to my attention and I will make sure I do this form now on.

  5. I agree with Lilian Katz, assigning cooperative work does enforce that the children to work together.

  6. I agree with Lilian Katz, assigning cooperative work does enforce that the children to work together.

  7. Hi Sheila,
    I agree with Lilian Katz, it doese make a difference when you read aloud tom children. we read aloud to our children and they learn how important it is to have a desire to read more and more.

  8. Hi Sheila,
    I agree with Lilian Katz, it doese make a difference when you read aloud tom children. we read aloud to our children and they learn how important it is to have a desire to read more and more.


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