Early Childhood Services: Alternative Assigment

Last week my international contact did reach out to me about my blog, and the developmentally appropriate tools I use, but that was it. I replied back thanking her for contacting me, and began to ask her what type of early childhood programs did she have in her country and she never answered I thought I was making some head way but I guess I was not. I became so happy and excited about her contacting me, but it was over before I even got started, but I still reach out every week just in case. I browsed the alternative website (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/education/themes/strengthening-education-systems/early-childhood/). and most of all I found that other countries are facing the same problems we are facing here in the United States. Access, equity, and finances especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantage children it seems as every country is facing same issues, so I can safely say it is an early child epidemic that is globally some countries worse tha...