At least three local or state organizations or communities of practice that appealed to you, and explain why you chose them

Blog Assignment

a.)   National Association for the Education of Young Children – this national organization is well known for supporting and representing teachers, policymakers, trainers, college educators, and families of young children. Through this organization, I will contribute to the educational and developmental services for infant children from birth through age 8.
b.)   National Institute for Early Education Research – This institution is noted for improving the lives of children by promoting early learning and development through research informing effective, evidence-based policy. I am interested in conducting researches that will lead to the formulation of policies for the benefit of infants and toddlers.
c.)   National Child Care Association– This national organization is concerned in ensuring that children receive adequate if not the best care possible. It supports the realization and enactment of policies that are beneficial to all children across the divide. The policies are equitable and justifiable. It also provides for the right to work environment for early care and education professionals.
d.)   National Parenting Education Network – This organization seems significant to me since it is centered on advancing parenting education in North Carolina to promote quality outcomes for all families. It also encourages information sharing, professional development and networking opportunities for the over 250,000 professionals, paraprofessionals, and volunteers who serve as parent educators.

Job opportunities (currently available or not) that interest you
a.)   Executive director
b.)   Educators
c.)   Conference program coordinator
Skills and experience that you would need to competently fulfill each of these roles
a.)   Conference program coordinator – some of the skills needed are organizational skills, supervisory experience, customer service experience, and ability to work with a diverse group of constituents. The applicant should also have the working knowledge of Microsoft Word and similar applications. A working experience of at least five years will be needed.
b.)   Executive director – The important skills are the applicant should be hardworking, a team leader and well-versed in management. The applicant should have a working experience in early childhood education for at least ten years.
c.)   Educators – They should possess the following required skills i.e. collaboration, communication skills, creativity, patience, and self-awareness. The educators are expected to have a professional experience of at least 3 years in similar fields.


  1. Hello

    I would like to work at the National Association of Education for Young Children as well. I like their mission and the work that they do to improve the lives of young children. I was not that familiar with the National Parenting Education Network until this class. Thanks for sharing that resource.

  2. Sheila,
    I too chose the National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). This organization provides great resources for families with young children, and early childhood educators. Thank you for the information you provided on the National Institute for Early Childhood Research”, and the “National Child Care Association”. I can use them as reference tools.

  3. Great Post. I agree with Jamillah NAEYC is a great resource to use for pretty much all assignments. Thank you for sharing the info that you have so far. All the sources are great agencies that I never thought of.


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