Local and State Organizations or Communities of Practice

The local or state organizations or communities of practice that appealed to me
a.a.)   North Carolina Parenting Education Network – This organization seems significant to me since it is centered on advancing parenting education in North Carolina to promote quality outcomes for all families. The organization also provides for advocacy and offers support for parenting educators. Being a prospective educator, this organization will enable me pursue my endeavors in an effective manner.
b.)  National Association for the Education of Young Children – this organization is well known for supporting and representing teachers, policymakers, trainers, college educators, and families of young children. Through this organization, I will contribute to the educational and developmental services for infant children from birth through age 8.
c.)   North Carolina Parents as Teachers – This organization deals with educating and supporting programs for parents of young children. It provides information, support, and reassurances parents need to aid their children development during the early years of life.
Job opportunities (currently available or not) that interest you
a.)   Educators
b.)  Conference program coordinator
Skills and experience that you would need to competently fulfill each of these roles
Conference program coordinator – some of the skills needed are organizational skills, supervisory experience, customer service experience, and ability to work in a diverse group of constituents. The applicant should also have a working knowledge of Microsoft Word and similar applications. A working experience of at least five years will be needed.
Educators – They should possess the following required skills i.e. collaboration, communication skills, creativity, patience, and self-awareness. The educators are expected to have a professional experience of at least 3 years in similar fields. 

Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies

Criteria for Blog Assignments

Quality of Work Submitted


4/4 points

3/4 points




2/4 points




1/4 points




0/4 points

Adherence to Assignment Expectations

The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria.

Assignment meets expectations and reflects graduate-level critical, analytical thinking.

All key components are included:
Initial post submitted with 2 comments to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post submitted with 1 comment to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post not submitted with 2 comments to other students’ blogs. 


Initial post submitted with no comments to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post not submitted with 1 comment to other students’ blogs.  

Does not fulfill the expectations of the assignment.

Key components are not included:
 Initial post not submitted with no comments to other students’ blogs.  

It is expected that all blog assignments will be submitted according to the assignment due dates indicated. As with discussions, it is important blog posts are completed within the week assigned so that others have a chance to both read and respond to your posts.  For that reason, late assignments may receive a maximum score of 2/4. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the faculty member and in accordance with the Late Policy.


  1. Hello Sheila,

    I also chose a parenting education network like you. But mine was the National parenting Education Network. I chose it because I believe strongly that educating the parents will set up the children for successful development, because of the role of the parents in educating a child - better outcome for the family. I also do agree with you that it makes the work easier for us as teachers if the parents understand their roles and form a good effective partnership. The work of these organizations is well appreciated. The NAEYC is also a very key is setting standards for both the teachers, the environment and community.

    The jobs opportunities you chose are very crucial. I will also like the role of a conference program coordinator. I also feel that the role requires marketing, planning and presentation skills.


  2. Sheila,
    I too, choose NAEYC for one of my community of practice organization. However, I wanted to provide more information on Philadelphia local chapter which is Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children (DVAEYC). Learning about early childhood organizations around the world has always been an interest of mines. It’s wonderful to see how far this field has come. Educating parents, training teachers, and providing high-quality care to our children is what this field is about.
    Thank you for sharing,

  3. HI,
    Great post. It’s good to see what other jobs are out there and available in other states and cities. I notated our Childcare Licensing orgniazation. I equate them to the God’s of daycare. They created our daycare bible and tell us how to operate and make our center work. Great job.


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