Similarities and differences between how you evaluated yourself as a communicator and how others evaluated you

Blog Assignment
For your blog, this week, think about the similarities and differences between how you evaluated yourself as a communicator and how others evaluated you. What is the one thing that surprised you the most? Why? What did other insights about communication you gain this week? Choose at least two to share with others through your blog and consider how each might inform your professional work and personal life.
There are differences and similarities between how I evaluated myself and how others evaluated me so as to discover my communication skills, styles, and dispositions. The scores for the verbal aggressiveness scale in my self-evaluation and evaluation by others seem to be in agreement. Other people and I believe that I do maintain a proper balance between respect and consideration for others’ perspectives without degrading them. Also, in my debate with other people, I focus on discussing the issue at hand rather than discussing the person having the contrary opinion. The difference in the evaluation was, particularly in the communication anxiety inventory scores. Other people feel that I am a good communicator who is always willing and eager to take part in all discussions. Personally, I felt that sometimes I am uneasy only if I detect that the other party is unfriendly or maybe I am intimidating the other individual. I mostly always feel  confident in different communication settings because, through my years of working with children, families and other professionals, I have spoken to large audiences, facilitated workshops for parents and practitioners, and  never received  any negative feedback after the
I am not a perfect communicator, but I am one who is always willing and eager to take part in the negotiations the majority of the time when asked or needed. Personally, I do appreciate that I have elevated scores, though surprised. I can work on these areas I have been able to comprehend the effect of personal schemas and attitudes/perceptions we have towards other people which affect the way we communicate with them. Our perceptions on different thoughts impacts how we view and talk with others. Past experiences, culture and present feelings are all examples of factors that can affect perceptions. This concept means that I will have a biased opinion or view about someone whom I am yet to understand. It also surprised me because I have celebrated three different cultures all of my life, so the assessment says I would hinder my perceptions fostering communication between a stranger and me.
In my endeavors and dispositions, I should not allow personal schemas or attitudes to sufficiently influence the way I communicate with other people. I should move beyond the first impressions and perceptions in my pursuit of communicating with other people. One should attempt to seek the opportunity to get to know people more rather than, on relying on perceptions or personal schemas. This will ensure that the communication process is efficient and has much more value and meaning to the communicators involved.
Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies

Criteria for Blog Assignments

Quality of Work Submitted


4/4 points

3/4 points




2/4 points




1/4 points




0/4 points

Adherence to Assignment Expectations

The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria.

Assignment meets expectations and reflects graduate-level critical, analytical thinking.

All key components are included:
Initial post submitted with 2 comments to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post submitted with 1 comment to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post not submitted with 2 comments to other students’ blogs. 


Initial post submitted with no comments to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post not submitted with 1 comment to other students’ blogs.  

Does not fulfill the expectations of the assignment.

Key components are not included:
 Initial post not submitted with no comments to other students’ blogs.  

It is expected that all blog assignments will be submitted according to the assignment due dates indicated. As with discussions, it is important blog posts are completed within the week assigned so that others have a chance to both read and respond to your posts.  For that reason, late assignments may receive a maximum score of 2/4. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the faculty member and in accordance with the Late Policy.


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