Principles of nonviolent communication or the 3 R's to better help you resolve this conflict

Think about any disagreements or conflicts, you have recently experienced or are currently experiencing at work with a supervisor or colleague, or someone in your personal life. Share at least two strategies you have learned about that might help you manage or resolve the conflict more productively, and why these strategies might be effective. For example, could you suggest a compromise? Could you look for a broader range of solutions to your disagreement? Could you use some of the principles of nonviolent communication or the 3 R's to better help you resolve this conflict?

As expected, I have encountered various disagreements and conflicts in my endeavors and dispositions. Differences of opinion and clashing goals are inevitable in any relationship or rapport. In particular, I have had occasional disagreements with my colleague at work due to varying viewpoints and different personalities. Nevertheless, my colleague and I have never let the small conflicts we have escalated into a larger conflict that could hinder our relationship or even the work we are doing. We have handled our disagreements cordially, and this has ensured that our bond remains exciting, fun, and stronger.
I have embraced various strategies that have enabled me to resolve and manage the conflict productively with my colleague at work. One of the strategies that I have adopted to repress the future conflicts is to avoid facing the conflict and continuing to be calm. In some situations, I feel that avoiding deliberating on an approaching conflict is much better than trying to address it. Another strategy that I embrace is being open-minded and problem-solving oriented. Being open-minded is appreciative of the collectivist cultures, and this leads to a supportive climate that can suppress the conflict. In a conflict, one should endeavor to bring a solution to the current impediment and not fostering it. Managing these conflicts ensures that we do not permanently damage our relationships.
A compromise is also a viable strategy that aids in managing conflict between disagreeing parties. One party has to sacrifice his ambitions, views, and insights for the sake of fostering peace with the other distressing party. The principles of nonviolent communication or the 3 R’s can also help in quelling such conflict. The nonviolent communication principles ensure there is great authenticity in the communication, increased understanding, and deepening connection which lessens the tension among the concerned parties in the conflict. The 3 R’s promote efficient, courteous, comprehensive, and progressive communication, therefore, supposing a supportive environment.
Also, if appropriate, ask your colleagues for their input and advice regarding, if not specific problems, how they have learned to be more effective communicators as it relates to conflict resolution skills. (Adapted from O'Hair & Wiemann, 2015, p. 248)

My colleagues have also learned to be more efficient communicators as it relates to conflict resolution skills. Some of their input includes meeting the expectation of others and accommodating the wishes of the other party. Communication is a two-way flow; therefore, it is imperative that communicators accord each other’s understanding and courtesy. Such will ensure peace and sobriety in their deliberations minimizing the chances of conflict.  My colleagues emphasized on the need of keeping the lines of communication open as a conflict management style. Some even embraced the idea of compromising when solving problems in a conflict so they can move on peacefully and cordially. The aspect of forgiving is also essential in conflict management. Forgiveness involves reducing adverse reactions to the transgressor and engaging in compassion and kindness towards the

Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies

Criteria for Blog Assignments

Quality of Work Submitted


4/4 points

3/4 points




2/4 points




1/4 points




0/4 points

Adherence to Assignment Expectations

The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria.

Assignment meets expectations and reflects graduate-level critical, analytical thinking.

All key components are included:
Initial post submitted with 2 comments to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post submitted with 1 comment to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post not submitted with 2 comments to other students’ blogs. 


Initial post submitted with no comments to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post not submitted with 1 comment to other students’ blogs.  

Does not fulfill the expectations of the assignment.

Key components are not included:
 Initial post not submitted with no comments to other students’ blogs.  

It is expected that all blog assignments will be submitted according to the assignment due dates indicated. As with discussions, it is important to blog posts are completed within the week assigned so that others have a chance to both read and respond to your posts.  For that reason, late assignments may receive a maximum score of 2/4. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the faculty member and in accordance with the Late Policy.

 other person.


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