Watching the show “Shark Tank” with the sound turned off

Blog Assignment
Watching the show “Shark Tank” with the sound turned off
What do you think the characters' relationships are based on the ways in which they are communicating?
In this show, there are six characters, five of them are seated while one of them is standing and he might be making a presentation. These characters seem to have a captivating communication. The five characters seated seem to have a comprehensive understanding between one another during the presentation. They are conversing with each other in a happy and jovial tone. However, the relationship between the five seated characters and the other character standing seems like a tensed rapport. The standing character seems to be explaining some concept to the seated people as to influence them about whatever topic. At some point, it appears to be an altercation amongst them, and one may think their relationship is ridiculous and strange.
What are they feeling and expressing based on the nonverbal behavior you are observing?
The standing man seems to be a little tensed by watching his facial expressions. The standing guy is also determined to persuade the positioned people by using body movements and gestures to make his point. Some of the seated guys seem to be putting off the standing people; their non-verbal cues (gazing, looking bored, and gestures) shows they are disinterested in the matter. However, some of the seated guys are focused and paying attention to the standing man showing their interest in the presentation. At the end one of the seated guys wakes up and moves forward and shake hands/hugs the standing man, they seem to have understood each other. The rest who are still seated have mixed expressions some seem left out, shocked, happy, and untouched.
Watching the show with the sound turned on
What assumptions did you make about the characters and plot based on the ways in which you interpreted the communication you observed?
I assumed that the people who were positioned were famous and maybe had an influence on the endeavor or disposition of the standing man. Also, the plot was tailored on the standing man making a presentation to the seated people as to give leverage (in whole or part) to embrace his idea. The standing man is really determined to make his case and have a deal with the seated individuals.
Would your assumptions have been more correct if you had been watching a show you know well?
If I were watching a show that I am well familiar with, my assumptions would be more correct. I would have a clear and knowledgeable idea on what the show is about, and the purpose of the characters and the activities in the show.
Experience and Insights

This has been a significant experience that has aided me to understand the concept of non-verbal cues. Though non-verbal cues are a form of communication; it can be easily misinterpreted or exaggerated. The “aha” moments shows how you can easily misjudge or give an actual perception of a person by solely relying on these non-verbal cues; Sometimes, the body languages, facial expressions, distinctions of the voice among others give an honest opinion about the person’s character, intent, and capability. 

Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies

Criteria for Blog Assignments

Quality of Work Submitted


4/4 points

3/4 points




2/4 points




1/4 points




0/4 points

Adherence to Assignment Expectations

The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria.

Assignment meets expectations and reflects graduate-level critical, analytical thinking.

All key components are included:
Initial post submitted with 2 comments to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post submitted with 1 comment to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post not submitted with 2 comments to other students’ blogs. 


Initial post submitted with no comments to other students’ blogs. 

Initial post not submitted with 1 comment to other students’ blogs.  

Does not fulfill the expectations of the assignment.

Key components are not included:
 Initial post not submitted with no comments to other students’ blogs.  

It is expected that all blog assignments will be submitted according to the assignment due dates indicated. As with discussions, it is important blog posts are completed within the week assigned so that others have a chance to both read and respond to your posts.  For that reason, late assignments may receive a maximum score of 2/4. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the faculty member and in accordance with the Late Policy.


  1. this assignment was a great way to learn the process of non verbal skills. I have come to realize that non verbal cues are very important key factor in the ways that we communicate whether it's personal or professional.

  2. It is amazing how hearing effects the way that we communicate with others. When the sound if off we are forced to use body language as a way to interpret what is going on. Although we often use the phrase actions speak louder than words,we often do not interpret body language correctly. Know that I am learning more about the complexity of communication it is forcing me to slow down and truly listen to what someone is saying.


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