Communication Behaviors after Barack Hussein Obama II

Think of someone (e.g., family member, celebrity, politician, friend, or professor) who demonstrates competent communication within a particular context. What behaviors does this person exhibit that make him or her capable? Would you want to model some of your own communication behaviors after this person? Why or why not?

Barack Hussein Obama II

As instructed, I am supposed to think of someone who demonstrates competent communication within a particular context. I think of Barrack Hussein Obama, an American politician who served as the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017. In his life as an active politician, he was a competent communicator within the political context among other settings. Barrack Obama portrays some commendable and progressive behaviors that have made him an effective communicator. Also, it is sound to understand that him being a political leader, he occasionally communicated with his people entitled to vote and fellow political leaders locally and globally.
Barrack Obama is an honest, truthful, and reasonable person. This statement means that he possesses accurate, fair, and reasonable behavior in his activities and dispositions. Whenever President Obama communicated to his electorates, President Obama passed on his message in an authentic, truthful, and consistent manner. He took the time to explain his ideas and contributions to the electorates. Whenever Obama spoke, one could be sure that what he is saying is correct and sound without having any doubt in my opinion. As outlined in the principles of ethical communication, honesty, accuracy, reason and truthfulness are integral aspects of communication. This behavior made him have an effective communication with his people that saw him elected as a senator for Illinois and the President of the United States.
Barrack Obama also had a compassionate and rational attitude and portrayed concern and friendliness to his voters and audience at large. He was concerned about the well-being and stability of his audience. In fact, during his communications, Obama presented information that was well thought out and coherent. His communication was progressive and he impacted his audience in a prospective way. He was concerned with the well-being of his audience so that he could vary the tone, voice, and the subject of the message if necessary. An effective communicator should be able to relate well with his or her audience. The audience should feel free and relaxed communicating with the speaker. President Obama usually ensured the setting was conducive to an effective communication to take place as planned.
In his endeavors, President Obama expressed his convictions on fairness and justice in a courageous and bold manner. He stood up for what was right and ethical to the fullest. Nonetheless, President Obama embraced the opinions, challenges, and iniquities of other communicators without demeaning or criticizing them off. He accepted the responsibility of the short-term and long-term consequences of his communication without apportioning blame to other parties. These behaviors and deeds make him a competent and prolific communicator.
I would seek to model some of my communication practices after President Obama. As illustrated above, President Obama contained fair and sound communication practices that made him a competent and efficient communicator. As an aspiring early childhood professional, I would emulate these communication behaviors to communicate competently and efficiently to young children and their families.

Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies

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