Welcoming Families from around the World

 Welcoming Families from around the World
The name of “your” family’s country of origin
As an early childhood professional, I do propose and choose “Nigeria” as the family’s country of origin. Nigeria is one of the 195 states that exist in the world today.    Especially, I know nothing substantive about this country.
At least five ways in which you will prepare yourself to be culturally responsive towards this family
As stated, I am to receive a child and her family from a country i.e. Nigeria that is completely unknown to me. Having enrolled in a course about diversity, I have learned that in order to support families who have immigrated you need to know more than surface facts about their country of origin. This assertion means that I need to know more about the deep culture of the new child and her family rather than basically understanding their surface culture. Notably, being culturally responsive means having the ability and capacity to learn from and relate courteously with people of your own culture as well as those from other different cultures.
·         To be culturally responsive to this family, I will prepare myself and my team in the following ways:
·         Being aware of my own cultural background. I need to understand my values, beliefs, and customs and how they influence my behavior and attitude.
·         Understanding and appreciating that there are no right or wrong cultural beliefs. It is probable for customs and beliefs to be correct within their own setting however how wrong it may seem to me.
·         Establishing a personalized contact with the child and her family. This aspect will make them appreciate my efforts of understanding them and will be free with me.
·         Accommodating the needs of the individual such as religious and cultural holidays, visits etc.
·         Discovering some commonalities of experience such as styles of cooking that will enable us to establish a bond.
·         Developing and using the vocabulary of greetings and key phrases in the child’s primary language. This will tighten our bond and show my commitment in taking the time to understand their diversity/culture.
·         Becoming concerned and educated on the various cultural beliefs and customs of the child and her family. This will help me know how to anticipate and relate to the child’s reactions.
A brief statement describing in what ways you hope that these preparations will benefit both you and the family
The above preparations will be crucial and significant in ensuring that I am culturally responsive to the child and her family. As a consequent of being culturally responsive, there will be benefits to both the family and me. Foremost, there will be a conducive and cordial relationship between the household and me. We will be able to appreciate the diversities of our beings and therefore exist harmoniously and stably within the given setting. Particularly, developing an awareness of, respect for, and sensitivity to people’s cultural background as they make choices and plan their lives is what is significant. These preparations will create a bond that will help us (I and the families) relate in a progressive and dignified manner.

Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies
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Updated: 1.3.12


  1. Hi Whitney:

    Sounds like you are well prepared to be culturally responsive in welcoming a child and their family in your environment. Since taking this class, it has given great insight in knowing what to do and how to be prepared as you are in this situation. I believed that if more people are receptive and responsive of families that migrates to a new country, the world would be a better place to live in. Being aware and showing respect to all makes a big difference in people lives. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights. I enjoyed reading your blog post!

    Alleain Ennals


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