Positve Affect

Positive experiments, and great outcomes,  we wanted to get parents participation at my daycare.  First, at the beginning of the year we asked if parents would donate 2 hours a week at the daycare. We received no response out of 42 children no one responded. Secondly, I had a Health facilitator come out to do a Golden Nugget. A Golden Nugget is a new vegetable that has been offered to the children, that went over great, so we would like for our infants that are eating to have Avocados at home because they liked the avocado too, we wanted all children to be served Avocados at home.  Plus, we hyped it up by giving away free boxes of Crispy Creme Donuts for all parent that participated.  I told them “Come Early While Supplies last”, but we really had enough donuts for all the families.  We actually had 97 percent of the parents participate and those that did not had to work. Now. we do not have to ask, they just come sometimes we have to many and it has been going on for about five years.
Another, positive example, since, we are open seven days a week. On Sunday’s we have “Make your own Sundae” and “Coffee Cake Monday”, and Saturday it’s Dad’s turn to participate with their child. I would say we break even on all these days it seems to really be taking off. The parent get to interact with some of the other parents.
It has been in place for two years
Every May, all of the daycare's and Public Schools have a Community Culture day. On this day, the town blocks off a couple of roads and people from all different cultures bring food, play music, tell a story about their country and it just a lot of fun…………We have been doing this five years.

These are true stories and the effect it has had on our parents and children are awesome. Children are happy because their parent is at daycare with them and taking part in their learning experience, and the parents are getting to know firsthand what goes on in the day time, plus, people from other cultures get to show how they live in their country. It started as an experiment to see if could get more people being active in the community especially cultures and it has worked.

Does Food draw an audience at school, and daycare events?


Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies
Criteria for Blog Assignments

Quality of Work Submitted

Work reflects graduate-level critical, analytical thinking.
(2 points for initial post; 1 point for each comment)
Work reflects some minimal effort.
(0-2 points for post;
0-1 point for each comment)
Work reflects no effort.
(No blog post shown; no comments given)

Adherence to Assignment Expectations

The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria.
Assignment meets expectations

All key components are included

Assignment is close to the expectation.

Some key components are included.
Does not fulfill the expectations of the assignment.

Key components are not included.

Final Assignment Grade
4/4 points

It is expected that all blog assignments will be submitted according to the assignment due dates indicated. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the faculty member if contacted by the student prior to the due date describing extenuating circumstances.
(2 points maximum for original post and 1 point maximum for each comment.)

Updated: 1.3.12

 I am trying to get this work done this is the first class I have had that I have not done well. Stress is something else!


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