Final Blog Assignment

  • Final Blog Assignment

The first consequence learned through browsing the sites of the alternative assignments internationally is that each geographic area is having basically the same issues that we have here in the United States.  In some areas it is worse than others, especially for the female child because as they reach the age of puberty. The facilities that are used for teaching no longer accommodate them because of the of things females will need at a certain age due to not having the resources available. International awareness has really inspired to do more and search more because some of us do not even realize how fortunate we are.

The second consequence that I learned from browsing the international websites is that a female child goes through many atrocious actions and are  not safe. One issue is that 17 countries in Africa still Marry females off before the age of 15 or mutilate their genitals. I was not aware these horrifying things still took place. This is 2016 not 1462 how could this be happening. In fact, these families do not get a chance to get an education let alone an early education.

Thirdly, I have learned that many children in these areas do not go to school because they work in the fields with their families in order to eat. These families live in huts and young children carry large buckets of unclean water to drink and use for hygiene. What we have done to help in this situation some of the daycares have banded together and joined what is called the Water Project.
What we do is have fundraisers in order to help those countries that do not have clean water.  Thirty - four dollars a month will help one child, so far we have raised over $3000 dollars to provide some parts of Africa with clean water. Bright futures begin with clean water. With the support of folks like you, and us The Water Project provides access to clean, safe and reliable water across sub-Saharan Africa. Your gift of $34 will change someone's life. We'll show you how. Help us end the water crisis and restore hope - one community at a time. Check it out…
I have many goals but my biggest is to make a difference in the early childhood education  field Globally which is long term, but my short-term goals are to become a professor and Teach Child Development, Early Childhood Education and Child Studies to the Practitioners coming in to the field, I believe this will also make a difference. Nevertheless, I will be making more of an effort to contact internationally,  personally I feel the need to make the connection. My contacts started out okay but I think we had a language barrier and they may not have been familiar on know how to use Facebook to translate, but I will keep trying because it is important to me.

Creating a Better World for Children and Youth 

Through Sustainability, Social Innovation, and Synergy

Intercontinental Hotel in San José, Costa Rica | 31 March -3 
April 2016

The Global Summit on Childhood, a program within the Decade for Childhood, provided a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue among the global community about the experience of childhood.
The 2016 Global Summit on Childhood brought together individuals from around the world and across disciplines to explore the role of childhood in ensuring a positive human future during a time of rapid change.
Theme and Goals of the Summit
Creating a Better World for Children and Youth 

Through Sustainability, Social Innovation, and Synergy
Childhood is being shaped during an era that is both transforming and transformative, yet the vision for a future in which all children may thrive remains unchanged and universal. This year, the United Nations has launched a dynamic set of Sustainable Development Goals to guide the world as it embarks on a path towards inclusive and shared prosperity in a peaceful and resilient world. Since children and youth will be the torchbearers of this new world vision, we must embrace a shared vision of a better world for our children.
The 2016 Global Summit on Childhood brought together individuals from around the world and across disciplines to explore the role of childhood in ensuring a positive human future during a time of rapid change. Beyond developing a shared vision of a better world for children, the Summit was an opportunity for collective action to celebrate innovative research, policies, and practices that support a positive childhood.
Sustainability • believe in a vision of sustainable futures for children

Social Innovation • reimagine and design innovative 
partnerships, collaborations, and practices that promote child well-being
Social innovations are new strategies, concepts, and ideas that meet human development needs through collaborative approaches. Social innovations cut across organizational or disciplinary boundaries to create compelling new relationships that focus on unique forms of cooperation and practice and can foster greater societal involvement in the provision of education and social services for children and youth.
Synergy • collaborate to create an inspiring vision for 
Synergy is the creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts, a collective action that builds energy and momentum in order to achieve a goal. Achieving synergy between individuals or organizations requires open dialogue and respect for one another. With synergy, understanding and mutual trust allow for engaged collective action for social good to address the needs of children and youth.
The Goals of the Global Summit:
1.      Reflect upon the current state of childhood and how it may positively or negatively impact the trajectory of the human future from international, cross-cultural, and cross-disciplinary perspectives.
2.      Provide an interdisciplinary platform among the global community to explore the role of the childhood experience in achieving a sustainable human future.
3.      Highlight innovative approaches, collaborative efforts, and practices that address human development needs, beginning at childhood.
4.      Examine the systems and processes that open pathways for collective participation and drive positive change at multiple levels for children and youth.
5.      Build momentum for a global movement to support a positive childhood that promotes equity and peace and respects local contexts and realities.
Learning Outcomes of the Global Summit on 
1.      the global trends, initiatives, and factors impacting children and childhood today;
2.      how the childhood experience contributes to the sustainability and well-being of communities;
3.      systemic connections and cross-disciplinary linkages that contribute to a positive childhood experience;
4.      how social innovation, collaboration, and best practices promote positive childhood outcomes;
5.      areas for advocacy and support for childhood that promotes equity and peace as it pertains to their work with children and their community.


Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies

Criteria for Blog Assignments

Quality of Work Submitted
Work reflects graduate-level critical, analytical thinking.
(2 points for initial post; 1 point for each comment)


Work reflects some minimal effort.
(0-2 points for post;
0-1 point for each comment)


Work reflects no effort.
(No blog post shown; no comments given)



Adherence to Assignment Expectations
The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria.
Assignment meets expectations
All key components are included
Assignment is close to the expectation.
Some key components are included.
Does not fulfill the expectations of the assignment.
Key components are not included.
Final Assignment Grade

4/4 points

It is expected that all blog assignments will be submitted according to the assignment due dates indicated. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the faculty member if contacted by the student prior to the due date describing extenuating circumstances.
(2 points maximum for original post and 1 point maximum for each comment.)
Updated: 1.3.12


  1. Shelia this post was very informative. It's sad that children have to go and work but it is their livelihood. They must work instead of getting an education. Thank you for your post. I wish you all the best!

  2. Hi Shelia
    I love how you spoke about the Water Project and how you raised $3,000 to provide some part of Africa with clear water. I definitely admire you and respect that step you took. Great post!


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