Searching Website & Two Contacts Established in other Countries.
Two Contacts Established in other Countries.
First, I searched the internet for Early Childhood Professionals in other countries. Secondly, I looked at some of them as well, but most of the sites had a contact us. When I selected contact us it was a general email box that would take at least three to four days to get back to you, plus there were no particular names. Thirdly, I went to Twitter and Facebook and found Asama Malawala on Facebook and Twitter She is an inclusive early childhood educator, Disability advocate, International Ed Policy, Social justice through education in/Dubai/Karachi . Asama replied back immediately, I cannot wait to tweet with her again. My first question was what kind of policies are in place for early childhood education?
The second contact I made was with The Early Childhood Professionals in Ireland.
Professor Heckman, along with J.B. Pritzker and others, presented on the importance of making #ECE our nation’s #1 priority at a presentation for both the San Diego Grantmakers and the @EducationSynergyAlliance. Watch the full presentation highlights here:
I asked Professor Heckman to share some of his ideas on early childhood as well as challenges and issues children, parents, and policy makers face.

I occupied
the site Zero to three for over three hours reading heading such as the about
us, searching topics like early development and well-being, early learning,
parents, policy and advocacy. I browsed Around Stages and Ages, Brain Development,
Challenging Behaviors, Grandparents and Extended Family, Positive Parenting Approaches,
Advocacy, The Basic Needs of Children, Early Intervention, Early Head Start,
Family Support, Development of Mental Screening and many more topics. The site
is Awesome and has a wealth of information. I did spend extra time on the topic
language and communication, and how to attack diversity, as well as brain
I read
the article about “How Safe Babies Court Teams Are Reuniting
Families Caught in the Heroin Crisis”,
it was about babies not being able to go home with their mothers’ after birth
because the babies are addicted to Opiates. Due to the mother’s addiction with
Heroin and pain killers. The courts are now offering programs to help to
reunite these families.
Article I read was “Why Moms Should Care about Child Care as an
Election Issue” Candidates for offices
at all levels of government need to recognize that child care counts, and it
can’t be financed solely by parents and the sacrifices of providers.
The third
article I read was “Talking to Toddlers About Differences” Article was about the joys of parenthood.
We can’t wait until our little ones start to talk and can tell us what they are
thinking and feeling. Then when they do, it’s not always pretty. It’s natural
to feel mortified when your child makes a statement that may hurt another’s feelings.
But it’s quite common and, when handled sensitively, these moments can actually
be wonderful learning opportunities for your child.
I have subscribed to the newsletter, looking forward to Newsletters,and will soon become a donating member to Zero To Three
For some reason I could not get the rubrics to copy correct. I could not find the problem, and it was getting close to dead line. I have never had this problem before
Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies
Criteria for Blog Assignments
Quality of Work Submitted
Work reflects graduate-level critical, analytical thinking.
(2 points for initial post; 1 point for each comment) Satisfactory
Work reflects some minimal effort.
(0-2 points for post;
0-1 point for each comment) Unsatisfactory
Work reflects no effort.
(No blog post shown; no comments given)
Adherence to Assignment Expectations
The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria. Assignment meets expectations
All key components are included
Assignment is close to the expectation.
Some key components are included. Does not fulfill the expectations of the assignment.
Key components are not included.
Final Assignment Grade 4/4 points 1-3/4 0/4
It is expected that all blog assignments will be submitted according to the assignment due dates indicated. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the faculty member if contacted by the student prior to the due date describing extenuating circumstances.
(2 points maximum for original post and 1 point maximum for each comment.)
Updated: 1.3.12
For some reason I could not get the rubrics to copy correct. I could not find the problem, and it was getting close to dead line. I have never had this problem before
Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies
Criteria for Blog Assignments
Quality of Work Submitted
Work reflects graduate-level critical, analytical thinking.
(2 points for initial post; 1 point for each comment) Satisfactory
Work reflects some minimal effort.
(0-2 points for post;
0-1 point for each comment) Unsatisfactory
Work reflects no effort.
(No blog post shown; no comments given)
Adherence to Assignment Expectations
The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria. Assignment meets expectations
All key components are included
Assignment is close to the expectation.
Some key components are included. Does not fulfill the expectations of the assignment.
Key components are not included.
Final Assignment Grade 4/4 points 1-3/4 0/4
It is expected that all blog assignments will be submitted according to the assignment due dates indicated. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the faculty member if contacted by the student prior to the due date describing extenuating circumstances.
(2 points maximum for original post and 1 point maximum for each comment.)
Updated: 1.3.12
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