Relationship Reflections

Relationship Reflections

First, I would like to say I am a late bloomer had many mentors, but was never sure what I wanted to do in life. My mother and father have always been my mentors and have always given me phenomenal guidance. Finally, after high school still not knowing what I wanted to do in life. I attended Fordham University in New York City and received a Bachelors in Business Administration. Still, at this time, I was not sure what I wanted to do. One of my professors from college told me about a job at The Head Start Program located in the Bronx. Before I tell you what happen I have to tell you other things that took place.
 While  In college I always participated when early learners came to visit the University during field trips or whenever the university had children’s’ day for students that had children. Professor Barbara Lindsey would ask me if would I help with the children, I always said yes. Nevertheless, I became a regular when these events took place. Professor Lindsey used to say “You are so good with children they seem to gravitate to you” I would laugh a say, “not me.” All the students would ask how do you know how to keep them engaged in an activity and then switch quickly to another. I said may be because I am the oldest of many siblings.  Another professor said, “You should go into Early Education, and I frowned and said “not me”. Her name is Professor Audrey Lincoln. In fact, this continued the entire four years of my attendance at Fordham University. I was always doing something with children or teenagers visiting the university.
Finally, I applied for the Head Start Program, by the time I applied the position had already been filled.  A week later, Professor Lindsey called and said,” that position is open again”, and the administrator would like to know if you would still be interested. Furthermore, I thought I had got away from working with children. I began working For the Head Start Program and worked in many different positions. First positon in the office for six months, but the administrators noticed how much the children would look for me just to say hello Second position, Lead Teacher for close to five years, and the last position was Parent Consultant for the last five and a half years. I worked there for a total of ten years. During this time I met my husband and he was in Law School in Raleigh North Carolina.  One of my mentors advised me to move to North Carolina. Mrs. Shirley Blount was the Administrator at the Head Start Program. She suggested applying for some of the Head Start Programs in North Carolina since I had more than ten year experience. After, speaking with my parents and all of my other mentors. I made the decision to move to North Carolina, and registered at College of the Albemarle received my Associates in Administrative Office Technology and an Associates in Early Childhood Education.
Moreover, these relationships helped me to find myself and my passion which I found out my passion is for children. It was probably there all the time, but I could not see it.  Each one of these mentors, parents, and my husband has shaped my life into who I am today.  I love children and only want the very best early education a child can receive.  As a matter of fact, I want every early leaner to have a smooth transitions without any uncertainty of knowing, that they can make it through to the higher levels of education with being none other than a successful in every aspect. Some of my mentors and my parents have passed on, but are always with me in spirit as well as in my heart. Since I have been in North Carolina, I have met many more mentors and collected many resources to give me guidance. My mentors near and far have conversations at least once a week. The last eight weeks I wanted to give up because everything that could happen, happened. I was distraught and was going to throw in the towel, but I am so glad I did not give up thanks to mentors, colleagues, and friends. I think back on everything they have ever said to me or to anyone else on my behalf. Thanks guys and peace be with you ALL!!!!!

Walden University M.S. in Early Childhood Studies

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Updated: 1.3.12


  1. Wow you are a strong person and really seem to care about the children you have served. I once had an administrator tell me how well I was doing with the children, I laughed and said, "it's easy when you love what you are doing." she laughed and said, "Good teachers can not be taught! You either have it or you don't!" I firmly believe this and believe working with children is a calling and if you are meant for it, an opportunity will find you!


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