A perfect Quote

Children are like sponges always absorbing all they hear, and see

People from every walk of life have something to say about children. These famous quotes about children show just how broad the spectrum is when it comes to people speaking up for children.
No matter what others are saying, remember that God views children as especially important in His kingdom, and He has many of His own famous quotes about children.
"A person's a person, no matter how small." 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hello Sheila,

      I realized that I spelled your name wrong in the original post. I am sorry for the mix-up.

      Tanya Terrell

  2. Hello Shiela,

    Children should be our top priority at all times. They are often look down, low expectations every so often. Therefore, we should treat all children with respect because we can learn so much from them.

    Tanya Terrell

  3. Hello Sheila, I also chose to include this quote. Dr. Seuss has some great lessons throughout his books. It is true that a child is just as much of a person as an adult. Therefore they should be shown the same respect and given an equal say. Children should be encouraged to voice their opinions and ideas. They shouldn't be made to feel as if these are insignificant thoughts just because they are young. This is how we help children to grow up to be independent, confident, and respectful.

  4. A child can make a difference in an adult's life. Children are the building blocks of the future and we as adults must provide the foundation for them.

    1. Larry children can make a difference in an adults life, and they are our future society


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