Birth Experiences

First, I would like to say all of my children are born on holidays, all born naturally except my last child. My first born is a boy, and I delivered him on February 22 which is George Washington’s Birthday, and in New York City it celebrated as a holiday, and the stores have a lot of sales. I happened to be in a department store when my water broke, plus I was alone. Nevertheless, I was out alone because it was nowhere near time for delivery. He came in my seventh month, and he came so fast, he was born in the department store.  Back in those days if a person delivered their child other than the hospital. When taken to the hospital, the child has to stay in the room with mom. The reason for this is because hospitals were afraid that babies born other than hospital may contaminate the Nursery To make a long story short, I was 18 my husband was out of town on business, so here I am with a baby close to five pounds, but scared to death, I had the nurse call my parents, and they came as quickly as possible. I was so excited, and so afraid all at the same time, but just watching him was a beautiful sight, and I did it eight more times. Though, each birth was different some were long hard pain, some were quick, and some labor was induced. I never thought that I would be working with children after raising so many.

The first birth I actually saw, was the birth of my niece Jazmyn. My sister had a long hard labor. I had to keep walking her up, and down the hallway for close to three hours before she decided to dilate six centimeters. The remaining four came quickly, and the next thing I  saw was a beautiful little girl with Doe eyes screaming at the top of her lungs. Jazmyn is now 27 with two children of her own.

video of real live birth


  1. It is so awesome that all of your children were born on holidays. What a conversation starter! I cannot imagine having a baby all alone in a department store. You are a trooper. I am interested in learning about the other country that you will choose when researching child birth. I look forward to reading your blogs.

  2. Hello Sheila,

    I had no idea that hospitals assigned babies into nurseries in connection to social beliefs. Things were definitely different when I was in the hospital. They recommended babies to stay with mothers due to safety precautions. The hospital had computer id badges for baby and parents. Nurses also encouraged for mothers to do skin to skin contact so the baby can feel secure.

    Tanya Terrell

  3. I have no idea how hard it must have been to have been so young, alone, and in the middle of a department store giving birth. However, it does show how strong and courageous you are. It is interesting how their is so much panic surrounded around giving birth outside of a hospital in the United States. In many other places around the world child birth is not done in a hospital. Other places women give birth in water.


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