NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment

In Regard to the Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment In my opinion, Every code I have read is truly very important because they are very much needed, but the three that stood out are as follows:

I-1.1To be familiar with the knowledge base of early childhood care and education and to stay informed through continuing education and training.

his code is significant in my profession because if  I do not gain the knowledge of Early Childhood Education and keep up with the trends as wells  as continuing to learn . It will be in possible to teach young children. An educator must keep up with new methods and strategies in order to give children what is needed to go to the next levTels.

I-1.11To provide all children with experiences in a language that they know, as well as support children in maintaining the use of their home language and in English.

I believe this code is important and will be significant in my professional life because we have so many children entering programs, that do not speak  English. As matter of fact, I feel it our job to reach out to other schools in the community and find resources that can assist these families with the language barriers. I want all nationalities to feel comfortable in  my environment, and be able to take part in whatever events that take place in my atmosphere without feeling uncomfortable or ignored.

  I-1.8To support the right of each child to play and learn in an inclusive environment that meets the needs of children with and without disabilities.

I am a firm believer of children with disabilities and normal children playing together because there is a need for each child to learn differences in each other. Besides  I am boy or you are a girl.  Sometimes children do not notice the difference unless it is a child with a severe disability and in  some cases I have seen children help each other if there is someone that is lagging or unable to complete task. Nonetheless,  this is certainly going to be significant in my professional life.


  1. I love the last code that you chose. I love all children hut children with disabilities hold a special place in my heart because I have worked with them for so long. Thank you for your choices.


  2. Hi Shelia, I want to commend you on your stand for children with disabilities. Before relocating and entering the ECE field, I worked with Special education for over 32 years in regular school settings along with working in a residential home setting for sever handicapps. I also had the opportunity to see the interactions of inclusion settings with regular atudents and those with disability work side by side. I believe Children have insights beyond those of adults because most of the time they don't put labels or make distinctions among themselves. But, I do agree we as educators still must advocate for children with disabilities and allow other children the opportunity to become advocates as well.


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