Letter To My Colleagues

Dear Colleague,

April 18, 2016

Thank you colleague, the last several weeks I have had the best time of my life, and I am not just saying it to make everyone feel good. I have been in so many classes in this field, but never one as unique as this class.  For instance, everyone has been, so friendly, building up each others confidence, giving positive feedback,  offering positive support to each other, been there to give each other positive feedback, support, and encouragement, including Dr. E. However, in the field of Early Childhood Education, parents, educators, administrators, and all other persons involved are vital in this early learners beginning years. Furthermore, we are all interconnected in one way or another. Each of us must stay abreast of the changes, which come about in Early Childhood because everyone has a different role in most cases, but it is still Early Childhood Education.

The key to it all is picking your colleagues up, when their down and vice or verse. Nonetheless, an encouraging words always helps another come back to reality. As we move on in different directions, we should always remember the faces and sayings of our professors and colleagues because they have had a hand in giving us many of the tools to go on in this profession. First of all, we all have completed a Blog, and I hope and pray, that I hear from all of you from time to time through your blogs or emails. I will be here to assist you and motivate you whenever needed. I wish every dream of each one my colleagues to manifest in their lives, and move on to the next goal because our learning never stops.

Believe it or not I may not have replied to everyone, but I read each and every ones’ Blogs, and discussion post. You people are now part of my education will always be my family, I will be moving on to the next class I think, but because I have had some tragic things go on in my life the pass twelve weeks, but I am making a comeback, and with people like you in my corner I cannot go wrong. Hope to hear from you all again soon. After finishing the master’s I hope to be moving to the next level which would the Doctoring. Good Luck and be the best you can be 


Sheila D Brantley
The Advocate                             


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have learned so much through your contribution to weekly discussions. I think you have great leader qualities and you engage in a lot of self-reflection. Throughout this course I have learned that the more questions we ask, the more doors will open for us. If we don’t know what we are looking for, it is much more difficult to find it.

    Thank you for sharing your experience.

    Good luck and I wish you further success!

  3. THANK you, Shelia
    As a contributing member of Group Two , I want to thank you for your support as well. I admire you for keeping on despite whatever came your way, your dedication shone through. Again, you have already proved what it takes to be an advocate, may you reach your goals and continue to never let anything stop you from achieving your purpose.

  4. Shelia,
    I would like to thank you for your support, to the group your words of encouragement and support during your own difficult times. I thank you.

  5. Thank you so much for your kind words. In this course you guys became my family. Your encouraging words, thoughts and Prayers got us all through. Thanks for believing in yourself and me. I will continue to pray for your success.



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