Personal Childhood Web

Personal Childhood Web

Heraldo  Escabon-Dash - Father

Josephine Rodriquez - Dash - Mother 

Jane Rodriquez  - Aunt

Herberato Juan Rodriquez - Uncle


Angela Rankin's - Girl Scout Leader

Pastors - Robert E. Lee, and Sheila Lee 

 Childhood Friends

Michael knight, Ella Pitts, Fernando Ortiz, Carlos and Juan Nguyen

 Each one of these individuals I have known since about the age of four.  Michael Knight was very special because he was, and still is one of my closest friends. Whether, I was falling down at the age of four  skinning  my knee, and now  as an adult when I have the  need to vent, cry, or scream. He is just the go to person with a caring heart and a listening ear. 

He always told me that I would have a bright future if I stayed focused. Nevertheless, in my teen years I was not very focused on anything.  I was kind and caring but very rebellious towards my parents because they wanted me to be a teacher or an Attorney, at that time, I did not want to be either one. 

I think that is why I went to school for Business Administration at Fordham University, but after graduation I was hired by the Head Start Program, and started in the office and ended up teaching four months after getting hired. I guess that was GOD"s plan all a long.  

Sargent Allen Boston - Cadet Leader he was also instrumental in my decision to do Business Administration. "His words were, this is your life if you do not want to be a teacher or an Attorney, then do not choose that career. Choose what makes you comfortable and happy because this is your life"

Pastor Robert Lee, always had outings planned on the weekend or for any time we were out of school. Pastor Sheila Lee, his wife took the girls and he took the boys, but during these retreats we were  always able to hash out what was  on our minds, but everyone had to write on a piece of paper and put it in a basket she decorated, so no one know whose problem it was she was talking about. I thought that was an awesome way to get things out on the table to discuss. She gave encouraging words and showed so much love to all of us. Pastor Lee and Sheila are still in my life. Every other Saturday I teach purity classes for girls from seven years old to eighteen, and on Sunday I teach children church. These are wonderful and truly GOD's People.

Ella Pitts was always an ambitious individual and very smart. She always told me I was going to be a teacher because I was so good with children. She said" You cannot run from it because it is already in your heart to be some type of educator and look at you now, an advocate for every under privileged, and  special needs  child you know" about. I love her so much for assertiveness. Ella Lives in California Now and She is head of the fraud department at Synchroney Bank. I have not seen in her many years but we still encourage each other online, by test, or plain old telephone service.

Jane Rodriquez  - Aunt Jane she was the best aunt anyone could ask for. She took to me to see my first Mary Poppins move, we went Ice skating a lot, took long walks through neighborhood, we always went to the beach with her children.  She took to me to the swings in the park because I was afraid of the swings and the see-saw. My aunt took me to those swings, and see-saws everyday until the fear was was gone. She taught me how to jump rope single and double, she taught me  paddle ball, tennis, and hand ball. Auntie, always told me, "you must face your fears or you will never over come them".  I always vented to auntie because most of the time I watched her children while she went to school at night, and her children always wanted to play school. Auntie Past away in March of last year ,but I can still hear voice you must face your fears.

These are some of the people I mentioned in my blog, but some were lost in a f ire in 1997

Josephine Rodriquez - Dash - Mother - Edwardo   Escabon-Dash - Father

These two people are the most wonderful, understanding, caring , loving people that I have ever know in this lifetime. Dad and Mom was not happy about my decision of business school., but they both still supported and respected my decision all the same. This did not change the way they felt about me they still embraced me when I went off to college. Both of my parents supported me in any way humanly possible. All of these individuals I spoke about on my blog are still very close to my heart.

I procrastinated a few years before I finished my Bachelors in Business Administration. I am a late bloomer although I have been operating my Family Daycare for the past eight years.  My goal is to become an online instructor teaching adults like us.


  1. Hello Shelia,

    You have a very supportive web. No matter how late you think you are, you still decided to go further. I commend you for that. We shall embark on this journey together. I wish you much success.

  2. Thank you Sheena, thank you for the encouragement and yes we shall embark on this journey together. I think of us in the Early Childhood Field as a family of sisters and brothers all wanting the same thing. Giving the early learner a solid foundation in early education.


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