My Favorite Book

The Hungry Caterpillar is one of my favorite books for children because it has a variety of characteristics.  It teaches counting, it's colorful, teaches children what happens if you eat to much, and lastly it teaches children about the transformation of how a Caterpillar turns into Butterfly.


  1. Eric Carle books are some of my favorites as well. I use them often with my infant group. Actually for their last years Christmas gift, I gave copies of this book and made them a Caterpillar poster that had Velcro dots on it and then I made Velcro pieces that had all the foods from the book on them, so as the parent read the book to the child, the child could "feed" the caterpillar (and as they aged they could use it for math by counting, grouping, working on sequential order, etc...) I love when books can be used for more than just literacy.

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  3. Hi Shelia,
    I enjoyed reading your post. I chose this book also, I love Eric Carl collection of books. You can do a lot of activities out of his books. He has some other good ones such as Brown Bear, Brown Bear ect.

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  5. I love the book Brown Bear also and my children love to hear it over and over and do the dance with it too


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